Monday, September 29, 2008

google sand box penalty

The Google Sandbox and Penalty Box
For a new site on a new domain, Google can delay ranking the site for months. Traditionally,
this has meant that a new site couldn’t seem to rank well for much beyond its
own domain name. After a few months, Google decides that it can “trust”a new site
and can let it rank for other things. This delay for new sites to be indexed is called the
Google Sandbox. Google can also penalize sites that try to game the system. Although
this has a similar effect, it is not the same thing because an older and even trusted site
might get penalized (we call this the Penalty Box, which can cause a gray PageRank bar
in Google’s toolbar). To get out of Google’s dog house, you need to remove the worst
practices discussed in this section. After you’ve cleared your site with Google Webmaster
Central (, you can apply for inclusion again.

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